Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Ivalde project

In December, I gave myself an assignment - to take snapshots of the Ivalde Advent group gifts each day. If nothing else, it was an interesting experience to spend that much time not wearing my usual Victorian-oriented stuff. And I was teaching myself photoshop along the way.

An unexpected bonus: I won the "Ivalde Ideal" Flickr contest - twice (!)
The thrill of having my pictures in the store was nearly as good as getting the $1,000 gift certificates.

Ivalde has the best overall (spanning centuries of fashion) collection of vintage clothing I've come across in my SL travels - so I will have no trouble finding ways to spend my winnings (the half that isn't spent already, that is.)

Ivalde Ideal for December 5th

This picture won no prizes, but it's my personal favorite of the series.

This was may have taken the longest of all to put together - it's composited from 8 different shots - and took a while to figure out how to group the figures to look at least semi-natural. Um, as semi-natural as standing on a frozen pond in a bare-shouldered dress and heels can look :-P

This was one of the most fun - just your basic posing with a cow - little editing, except I took the dress layer from another (midday-sun) shot to keep the whites truer. And softened some jagged edges.

Another one I really like. Probably because the deer hat is like a security blanket for my head - it feels very 'me.'

All 25 shots