Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Most Pleasant Surprise

I'm afraid I've left this blog to wither on the vine, but in truth I really didn't even remember I had posted anything here in the first place. One of the problems with advancing age or an overloaded mind or something of that sort.

And maybe it's another matter of forgetting something that I already knew...but I was wandering around Ms. Meadow McBride's shop the other day, and was most pleasantly surprised to see a photo of myself as part of one of her store displays.

That's me on the bottom left, in the fabulous La Mort tophat. I was quite pleased (and a bit more excited than I really show have been, I suppose) to see it. I think I do vaguely remember sending Meadow (or Tyger) a copy of this photo...which was taken by another talented shopkeeper, Miss Hyasynth Tiramisu.

So much talent, so few lindens to spend.

The moral of this story is that if you have a tendency to forget things, you are guaranteed to at least occasionally be surprised by life in a good way.

The original photo, so as to see the topper in all it's mort-y glory. Garments are silentsparrow, from two outfits. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember to come back and put proper credits and links in here. But probably not.

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