Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sporadically Yours (silentsparrow, episode 3)

The third installment of my silentsparrow project; at this rate it may be a lifelong project.

Today, it's the (candy) maida suite. This is sort of the half-dressed version, as the outfit also comes with bloomers and a shrug. The stocking and gloves are from the Ritual set.

The half-skirt always reminds me of a can-can dress...not that I ever dance the can-can, but it's nice to know I could.

In a project that's putting my lazy blogging to shame, I see that Nivaya Barbosa is blogging a different silentsparrow outfit every day this month. And doing a marvelous job. I think that's my cue to take the rest of the week off.

See you in March!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The silentsparrow project, episode 2: Toxine

Featured below is my silentsparrow outfit #2: the toxine suit in "snowy" -- a group gift from quite a ways back.

A few days ago, I bought the cocoa version -- which is brown with (I think) light aqua accents. "I think," because I accidently deleted it before I even tried it on.

The first and last time (hopefully) for that mistake. There are plenty of other mistakes I've yet to make, so why repeat?

The thing I like the most about toxine is, not surprisingly, the cog print. The shading keeps it from screaming "Look at my gears!" Although I'm sure the wearer is free to do that on their own, if they so desire.

Me, I'm just quietly stewing about deleting my other suit.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nothing suits me quite like silentsparrow

This blog is a haphazard thing, not unlike the way I spend my time in-world. But the one constant, for these nearly three years since Cyn Peccable came to be, has been silentsparrow.

If you happen to see me as I dart furtively from place to place, it's likely I will be wearing at least one piece of silentsparrow clothing. I discovered the store when still a relative newbie, and I was hooked.

In an inventory that's fairly exploding with lovely clothing from many different designers, it's still the rich textures and the somewhat twisted Victorian aesthetic of hyasynth tiramisu's creations that I find myself reaching for (well, clicking on) day after day.

I've long intended to do a little photographic series to see how many silentsparrow outfits I could put together without duplication. With my collection just expanded by a recent sale, I do believe the time is now. Although, if mixing different outfits is allowed, the combinations might just be limitless.

So without further ado...silentsparrow No.1: the Valerian Suit

For styling details, please see