Friday, December 4, 2009
Wares for Sale
After materializing in April 2007, there was an immediate desire to make my own clothing. But without Photoshop (at the time) it seemed pointless to even try. (I recall desperately wanting a vest to pair with my free-in-Caledon Victorian Day Dresss, eventually having to resort to ripping the sleeves off with my the sleeves of a shirt invisible with sliders.) Then I discovered silentsparrow...and I'm smart enough to realize when somebody else can do something better than I would ever be able to.
So it wasn't until I rented a room at the Hotel Excelsior in Babbage Square (with its 50 prim limit)about six months ago that creative inspiration struck (or at least tapped politely on my door.) There are so many beautiful and interesting decor objects in SL, but they just wouldn't work with my prim count limitations. There seemed to be a need to create some simple one prim decor, with interesting textures that would fit my steampunk/Victorian needs.
And so I did.
Anyway, consider the preceeding as introduction (or excuse) for the hawking of my modest, yet suitable for steampunk decor, items currently (nay, TEMPORARILY) on sale on XStreet.
Indeed, there are only four. I never claimed to be prolific.
But I'm fairly proud of the textures I created. I'd like to believe, at least, that a buyer is getting their linden's worth.
For the past few months, I've had two items listed with, truthfully, only a handful of sales. As one is priced at only 48L and the other at 74L, this is obviously not a True Business Endeavour.
But the XStreet sales covered my upload fees for the textures. And eventually accumulated enough $ to pay for a week of my rowhouse rental -- which is basically a minuscule amount, but it's something.
Obviously, it makes no sense for me to continue listing once XStreet starts charging a monthly fee. But, in typical nonsensical manner, I put two more items up yesterday. Figuring maybe I can get one or two more sales in before fees are imposed.
I know I am an aberration as a merchant (if I can even be called that.) No great void will be left in the virtual universe when my listings are pulled. I have no desire to open an in-world shop or cultivate a business. I simply wanted to share the things I made, thinking maybe someone else trying to decorate on limited prims might find them affordably useful.
I will end by referring all to the blog of one Ordinal Malaprop, who presents an analysis of the XStreet analysis I wholeheartedly agree with, and therefore declare brilliant.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Instead, it seemed a perfect day to shop inworld, as opposed to in mall. (Oh, and online too...but I've got no pictures of that :P)
Picked up silentsparrow's Lysander for both myself and the gentleman who calls himself my brother. I think the pose below (old giftie from Long Awkward Pose) ends up giving us some sort of steampunk variation of "I'm With Stupid"
The outfit includes varies shirt/vest configurations, pants in two colors, as well as some fantastic goggles and wings.
This background (including frame) are by *StAr PoSeS* -- from a while back, so no idea if it's currently available. I'm working my way through my inventory, one object at a time, and finding fun little things like that along the way.
Aren't these Lysander wings fantastical?!
The back of the silentsparrow Gloomy corset and shrug is equally intriguing. I'm a huge fan of the curlique, and so this was irrestible. Next shopping excursion will include the Gloomy skirts, but for now I paired the top with the pants from the silentsparrow Valerian suit.
Last, but not least, the bargain of the day (well, all were bargains since I used a gift certificate, but anyway...) was today's 50L Friday special at silentsparrow -- the Some Place to Be Flying Necklace (in raven.) I think this is a One Day Only color, but I saw other variations of the necklace for a slightly higher price on the New Items wall too.
It's beautifully executed, down to the ribbon tie at the back of the neck. silentsparrow creator hyasynth Tiramisu says this is the first piece of jewelry she's made -- an impressive debut -- and hopefully it's not her last.
In my rowhouse in Babbage Canals, trying to look appropriately Gloomy.
Monday, November 23, 2009
My Boastful Post
And I have proof:
I have to confess I was thrilled to tears when I received notice that my "Spellbound Forest" was judged #1 in the Artistry category. (And "Under His Spell" placed second in the Couples category.) It literally made my day. For I'm not one that enters/wins contests regularly, having my pictures chosen was really a very lovely validation.
And, yes, I'm on the verge of a "You Like Me" speech, so I will stop now.
The other entrants deserve recognition as well for their stellar efforts -- see the pool here -- it also pleased me to see that many of my favorite entrees also won ribbons.
Silentsparrow proprietress hyasynth Tiramisu sent me copies (prize ribbons and all) of my pictures, which I quiet immodestly hung on the walls of my rowhouse. One of these days, I'll detach the ribbons, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Spellbound Forest
I have to admit to spending far too much time on this one, although much of that can be blamed on my lack of expertise with Photoshop(Elements)...and changing from one idea to another midway through.
And then there was my own obsessive nature -- it was as if being given the permission to edit compelled me to change every single pixel of the picture.
The hair (Calico Ingmann Creations "Brenna")was the one thing I basically left alone. Just a slight blur to the wispy forehead pieces. The fingers of the hands and the face were relatively unmessed with, along with parts of the background left unscathed.
The rest was cut and pasted from many different shots. Crazy person stuff. I have a folder on my computer with a frightening 233 files of things I shot in-world and the various stages of the edit. (Like I said, crazy.)
Here's the room in the underground maze in the silentsparrow sim that inspired this idea:
I really tried to put those mushrooms in my picture somewhere, but I couldn't make them fit!
The biggest editing challenge was the skirt of the gown(silentsparrow's Ritual)since in-world it just hung straight down into the ground. (I had made the pose with another outfit in mind.) So the skirt was entirely pieced in...I worked on it forever, trying to retain the original textures but have some semblance of realistic drape. Still not 100% happy, but I did the best I could with my fledgling skills.
Below is an in-the-process picture (with original in-world skirt); this was relatively early on when I was thinking about B+W. Poor little skunk didn't make the final cut.
Below is the way the gown is supposed to look. I'm not usually a ballgown person, and originally I was going to wear rouge noir on top with beloved lolita skirt...then decided to wear "how I quit the forest" (because after all, the setting is a forest ;-) But I had an in-store revelation about Ritual and I realized it fit the "fairytale" vibe I was going for much better (although maybe not fitting a ground pose so well.)
Beta pose test with original outfit idea
There's a beautiful back tattoo that's part of the Ritual gown that I wish I had been able to show/use in my picture.
At least we have the leaves and vines in the Brenna hair (Brenna's leaves and ribbons are colorchange btw!) I love this a lot.
And finally (for a post that threatens to be as long as the project) my own favorite part of this project: painting in the thorny vines/ground cover. It really doesn't show much in the finished project - I was trying for ominous shadows - but I think it turned out even a little darker than I had intended when I compressed all the layers down.
Below is a detail, lightened.
It was probably the only thing remaining from my original concept(which was a completely different setting/story...but there's always next year!)
Monday, October 12, 2009
So it's not a stretch that I've entered a contest sponsored by the two stores. There are four categories, and so far I've managed to enter two. I'm not sure if they highlight the hair and clothing as much as I'd like, but I'm pretty happy with the overall images, especially considering no photo manipulation was allowed.
I've got at least one more idea in mind - in the "creative" category, where you're allowed to photoshop...and it's quite a mess of an idea, but I've got a couple weeks left to straighten it out.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Where I Admit Defeat (Steam Hunt, Episode Four)
In other words, my Grande Plan of cataloging the Steam Hunt prizes in a comprehensive and well-organized fashion has fallen victim to the constraints of time, like so many other grande plans.
But, still, I offer another batch of prize photos no means completing the hunt items, but I fear it's all I will manage to document in this forum. Most, but not all, of these gifts are clothing. Click to enlarge any given photo and you should be able to decipher enough of the photo's name to point you in the right direction if you'd like to grab that item for yourself while the hunt is still on.
Item information also available in the Steam Hunt set on my flickr page.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that a few photos near the end feature a nearly shocking display of bare limbs. Gentleman, be warned. They are intended for ladies only, and I trust your sense of propriety will guide you away from the page at that point.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
They'll Need a Crane (Steam Hunt, Episode Three)
That song's been stuck in my head for days now. I've no immediate need for a crane - but if the necessity ever arises, I am I've acquired a fine one, thanks to the Steam Hunt stop #47, Bare Bear Discount Store.
Crane, on rooftop, at the ready. To lift my bloated inventory, perhaps?
The crane's platform, inside my rowhouse.
One could imagine said crane has lifted the following too-large-to-rezz-inside gift -- the SteamMonks Coal Barge, Steam #20 -- onto its precarious rooftop position, although I like to think it was hoisted there Disney Style by a flock of songbirds and a few hundred yards of blue satin ribbon.
Or maybe balloons...
Steam #41 - Alice Went Neko - gifted the diverting "Come Fly with Me. Stand on the cog at the string's end...and you're ready to soar gracefully over Babbage rooftops.
If you prefer your flight to be a little less at wind's whim, Steam #23 Morigi Steam provides the Steampunk Ninja Belt.
No idea what noxious properties the purple emissions of the Ninja Belt might perhaps care should be taken to not fly too closely behind a lady or gent wearing one.
And a general warning: if you see me take to the skies in a Steam Sparrow Flying Hansom, you'd be best served to run inside and stay there until the danger passes. The plane, from Steam #18 Munro Imaginary Motors, comes with a flight trainer..which, as the photo below illustrates, was completely ignored.
Crashed in the courtyard outside Capalini Furnishings...truth be told, this was before the plane even lifted off the ground.
Uprighted, and then promptly flying off-world.
Back in the safety of the rowhouse, where at least no innocent bystanders can be harmed. All clothing on avs also from the steam hunt.
The Builders Brewery gift (Steam #100) was upgraded significantly since my first hunt post. You still get the lovely lamp - actually now you get four of them -- as part of the "Steampunk Victorian Whimsy Cottage."
Two stories, 279 prims by my count.
Rivet Town, I presume.
Not terribly steampunky, but the angel does have a nice gothic vibe (like she'd be just as happy guarding over a crypt) in this Steam #40 gift from Huschi Waterfalls.
I suppose there's a quip I should be making about a mermaid in a barrel, but it's slipping my mind, as is most everything else these days. But I digress. This Barrel Hot Tub was found at Steam #83, Prims 4 U, and the mermaid was courtesy of Steam #30(aeNigma, a shop submerged in the Vernian Sea.)
Hot tubbing also provided by Steam #32 (PdCreations) below:
Tat on soaking gentleman is also part of the mer-gift at aeNigma.
In my first hunt post, I showed store displays in Belle Belle Fantasy (Steam #82), but here is their gift:
...and the Steampunk Tip Jar from Steampunk Adventures, Steam #28.
Hunters be advised - I believe the Steam Hunt's last day is Sunday (September 20th).
I've still a few boxes left unpacked...and perhaps another post before the gears all disappear.