Friday, September 18, 2009

Where I Admit Defeat (Steam Hunt, Episode Four)

The best of intentions often finds itself thwarted by the most simple of masters -- the never-idle sweep of the clock's hand.

In other words, my Grande Plan of cataloging the Steam Hunt prizes in a comprehensive and well-organized fashion has fallen victim to the constraints of time, like so many other grande plans.

But, still, I offer another batch of prize photos no means completing the hunt items, but I fear it's all I will manage to document in this forum. Most, but not all, of these gifts are clothing. Click to enlarge any given photo and you should be able to decipher enough of the photo's name to point you in the right direction if you'd like to grab that item for yourself while the hunt is still on.

Item information also available in the Steam Hunt set on my flickr page.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that a few photos near the end feature a nearly shocking display of bare limbs. Gentleman, be warned. They are intended for ladies only, and I trust your sense of propriety will guide you away from the page at that point.

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