Well...sure...plenty of things.
But that doesn't prevent my heart from breaking, just a little, whilest opening fantastic gifts from the current Steam Hunt...seeing things I would love to use, if only I had enough prims to spare.
So, in the very least, I can take pictures of the pretty things. And dream of a world where prim counts don't exist.
I've completed the hunt, but only opened about 10% of the goodies so far. But what a 10-percent!
It was an added pleasure to be able to hunt in the familiar terrain of New Babbage. Capalini Furnishings (little more than a cog's throw from my rowhouse, in Babbage Canals) offered a most generous gift...the three pieces (chair, table, clock/globe) pictured above. If you've ever perused the merchandise in Capalini, you know it is of the highest quality. The globe, with functional SL clock, is a sight to behold. Capalini Furnishings is #5 on the hunt, so you don't even need much endurance to score this treasure.
Another marvelous machine is found at Steam #9; Cleanslate Emporium in Babbage Square.
I have no practical use for it, yet suddenly feel the urge to put on a show, if only to have an excuse to display this contraption. (Anyone interested in buying a ticket to watch me as I sort through my bloated inventory for a few hours?)
A nifty Steamtrunk/bed is the prize at Steam #6 - Rusty Rhode
Builder's Brewery (Steam #100) included a note with its gift, saying that they were upgrading to a more grand gift shortly (I believe a skybox, but don't quote me.) But I was plenty pleased with the lamp pictured below. (The red Brewery sign is not part of the lamp - my photo may be confusing - the sign is actually on the back of an appropriately steampunky picture that was also included in the Builders Brewery gift.)
You can't see much of it in my photo, but the "Steampunk Throne" above was the hunt gift from .:Condensed Chaos:.
Below, is the "Nevarian Tesla Rose" from Steam #33 ..::Rasetsukoku::.
My snapshot doesn't do the Rose justice...it's pretty darn Tesla-y inworld.
Steampunk and Tesla (Steam #25) gifted an entire Control Room!
It's mod, so I've already pulled off the metal floor and plunked it in the middle of my upstairs (as seen in of couple of the previous photos) and will likely use some of the other bits and pieces in the future. Hurray!
Steam # 85 is from Oblonski (at the Caledon SouthEnd location)...it's a suitcase that transforms into a bench. Great fun. If you remove the suitcase after the bench rezzes, it (the bench) is only 4 prims...the suitcase is 3 prims.
Another cheer for low prims!
Not part of the hunt, but worth noting: it seems Oblonski's Metaversal Arts (main)store is closing and they are having a clearance sale. I grabbed a 6-prim chaise for a mere 75L. It's not as finely detailed as most of the store's other furniture, but it fits my low-prim needs perfectly.
(What am I doing here, lazing around in my parlor? I should be unpacking hunt boxes!)
Steam #99 is from the Julia Collection:
This is a new-to-me merchant, but I felt like uprooting the whole store and plopping it down in Babbage where it belongs...there's some fantastic stuff for sale there.
(I don't have room for any of it in my rowhouse, but it is fantastic!)
There were a few other new-to-me stores along the hunt that really made an impression...and although I haven't opened their gifts yet, I couldn't resist snapping a couple of screenshots while I was hunting. I left the tool bar across the top of the snaps - if interested in locations, click on the photo to enlarge and it should be legible.
I believe this was some sort of teleportation machine in the right side of the photo.
I would love this bathtub if I ever felt the need to bathe in such a manner(but isn't that what the Canals are for?)
Some incredible items were found in the displays in this store (this is one area of a rather large store...but if you are hunting, you will find yourself here...so do take time to look around and enjoy all the creations.)
I need to repeat that the gifts I've shown in this post are from opening only a few of the 100+ gears found in the Steam Hunt. And doesn't even touch on the lovely attachment-type items (jewelry, spectacles, goggles) that I have unpacked but didn't feature in this furnishings-oriented post.
Fear not, I do intend a sequel...or two...or three...
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